Ángel de Cáceres García

Ángel de Cáceres García was born in Córdoba and is resident in Sanlúcar la Mayor (Seville). Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Seville, specialising in Painting, a year after he succeeded in obtaining the post of Professor of Drawing and Plastic arts through public examinations, and performed this position during the next nine years, combined with study of new techniques of painting and sculpture.
In 1997 he started a new experimental period, dedicated to go more deeply into several techniques, specially about oil painting, and into the study of great masters formulas. Is in this period when he discovers possibilities of pastel, a mean which he soon feels himself identified with, and to whose experimentation will dedicate several years, until he found in it a personal way of interpret reality and a way of transmitting his artistic needs.
In 2013 decided to focus his production in pastel painting on black paper base, beginning several thematic series and a very good number of works based on portrait and on the search of the balance between tradition and figurative painting, as well as on improvement of an innovative style, respecting pastel requirements.
“I always understood chiaroscuro as a resource that invites to reflection about what is represented and, somehow, it extracts it from space and time. Human expressions acquire this way a high emotional component, they become transcendental, mysterious, they search the eye of spectator, finding in it the course for a never ending dialogue.”
“I see Pastel as a pictorial technique. Experience with oil painting exercise an absolute influence on my work, in a conscious and deliberate way.
The choice of black, uniform paper, with a notable texture, as a background, helps me to build every work from deepest darkness and to play with the texture of its surface as if it was oil on canvas, but it also looks as a background that surrounds the figures, and even participates of tones and shadows of every motif.”
“My experimentation with pastel technique allowed me to integrate universal symbols and my own elements with visual effects that derive from Realism and Impressionism. In the same way, aesthetic components and appearances acquire renown, evoking Renaissance painting concepts.”
“Painting must be a mean of transport for our emotions, a free and prosperous exchange built on facts and dreams, a performed reality, enriched with the beauty and harmonies that human being is able to create.”
2017: Individual Exhibition “Woman & Women” + “The Measured Time”. Diputación de Sevilla- Casa de la Provincia. Plaza del Triunfo, Sevilla. September 7 / October 22
2017: Individual Exhibition “The Measured Time”. Fundación Cajasol. Ronda de los Tejares, Córdoba. January 17 / February 1
2016: Participation in 5th National Fair of Artists. Palacio de Revillagigedo. Plaza del Marqués, Gijón. September 10-11
2002-2013: Exhibition and Sale of several Works at Antares Permanent Gallery. Club Antares. Sevilla.
1999: Individual Exhibition at Caja San Fernando (C/. Luis Montoto), Sevilla. April, 7-30.
1999: Individual Exhibition at Galería de Arte Garduño (C/. Rivero). Sevilla.